This site is for the purpouse of propogation, and information
regarding Marx, Communism, and all things red. In an age of Capitalism, Imperialism and crude Nationalism, Communism is regarded
as a creed of false promises, idealist slogans and associated with dictatorial one party totalitarianism, we attempt to shed
light on the complex Philosophies and Doctrines of the Marxist canon, with the awareness that all change and revolution stems
in a firm foundation of knowledge and education.

It is simple to wave the flag of Communism, to protest and revolt in its name, but thoughtless activism and mass revolt
come second to a sound grasp of Marxist ideology. Countless countries have, in the name of Marxism and Communism, excercised
wanton opression and abuse and thus tarnished the names of the great philosophers who propagated these systemps of thought.
Marxism has been so distorted by the likes of Stalin, Mao and Castro, that it bears little or no resemblance to its orignial
form. All over the world, authoritarian forms of State Socialism appear under the Guise of Communism. Our website aims to
expose the true virtues of Marx, through direct reference to his works, and not merely citation of portions of his work to
support eroneous claims.
It is time for the true words of Marx to be heard.....
"The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to Socialism"
Karl Marx

Karl Marx: Karl Marx is the father of Communism, living most of his life in poverty he dedicated his
existence to rallying for equality in society and his major works "Das Kapital" "The Communist Manifesto" and "Value, Price
and Profit" stand as some of the most important political/social texts of our time.
