Karl Marx

The Godfather Of Communism
"History is economics in action."
                                                  Karl Marx


Karl Marx : 1818 - 1883

Karl Marx was born  in the city of Trier, Germany. Marx was a revolutionary who "advocated merciless criticism of everything existing" and was the creator of the theories of "Communism."

In the autumn of 1843, Marx went to Paris in order to publish a radical journal. It was in Paris in September, 1844 where he first met life-long friend and associate Frederick Engels. Marx and Engels were both active in various revolutionary groups and together worked out the theory and tactics of "Revolutionary Proletarian Socialism" or "Communism."

Marx was banished from Paris in 1845 as a dangerous revolutionary. He went to Brussels, Belgium. In the spring of 1847 Marx, along with Engels, joined a secret society called the "Communist League." At the league's request they authored the " Communist Manifesto," which outlines the theory of the class struggle, and of the revolutionary role of the proletariat. Due to his revolutionary activities, Marx was banished from Belgium in February 1848, finally ending up in London in 1849 where he lived until his death.

In 1864 the "International Working Men's Association" was founded in London. Marx was a central figure in the new organization, and author of its first statement, and a host of resolutions, declarations and manifestos. His health was undermined by his strenuous work for "International." The first volume of "Das Kapital," Marx's most important work, appeared in 1867. Ultimately ill-health prevented him from completing two other volumes.

On March 14 1883 Marx passed away peacefully in his armchair. He lies buried at Highgate Cemetery in London.


Marx's Contribution.

Aside from all the aerticles Marx wrote from German, English and American journals he produced the following books:

  • On the difference between the Natural Philosophy of Democritus and Epicurus
  • On the Jewish Question
  • The critique of Hegels phlosophy of right and economic and philosophic manuscripts
  • The Holy family and poverty of philosophy
  • The German Ideology
  • The Communist Manifesto
  • Class struggles in France
  • The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
  • A contribution to the critique of political Economy
  • Value, Price and Profit
  • The french civil war
  • Das Kapital volumes I, II , and III

Marx's works are considered the working class bible. Every social movement over the last 100years has been influenced by Marx (Cuba, Chile, Mexico, Vietnam, Hungary, Tibet, Greece etc etc...)

Das Kapital

The principal work by Karl Marx. A detailed analysis of the laws governing the economic devlopment of capitalism - but also an immense historical and philosophical treatise. IN this work, the theory of historical materialism is fundementally developed.


Summary Of The Book

Throughout the last few centuries, according to Marx, it has been the common worker's fate to suffer the "maximum of working time and the minimum of wages" in order to supply Capitalists with profits. "Accumulation of wealth at one pole is, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, moral degradation, at the opposite pole." This must and shall be ended.

Granted, says Marx, the Capitalist is in tight control. But the pendulum of power has swung many times in the past, and he promises that it will again shift. The Proletariat, under the banner of Communism, will ultimately be victorious. Revolution is the destined scenario - and the ultimate historical "synthesis" will be a perfectly just and egalitarian society, where everyone works, "according to his ability" and receives "according to his needs"; where the state itself finally "withers away."


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